6 months old today
Can you all believe this lil' monkey is six months old today? Wow, that went fast! Seth is becoming a handful and a half. He doesn't miss anything. At all times he knows where mom is, what the dogs are doing and what his dad is up to. You can't get anything past him. He loves being a part of our world- he happily sits at the table with us for all meals, hangs out on my back in a carrier for a good part of the day watching everything I do and even when he's on the floor he'll crane his neck trying to see us and see what we're doing.He LOVES dogs and will randomly laugh hysterically and screech at them. The dogs, well, they're not so sure about him. He's a bit noisy for them and they're realizing he's about to become mobile. They are gentle though, the few times Seth has "pet" them (which entails grabbing a handful of hair and skin and pulling hard) they sat patiently with slightly worried looks on their faces. Poor things.He's not crawling yet, he has all the motions but hasn't figured out how to put them together. He sits up by himself for short periods, longer if he has a pillow behind his back. He's an expert roller now. He's tasted solid foods here and there, but he much prefers his milk still. Most of the time when we feed him something he screws his face all up and acts like we're poisoning him. Silly kid.Anyway, here are some pictures from this morning.Love you all!
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